How Does a Wi-Fi Repeater Work? 

How Does a Wi-Fi Repeater Work? 

In recent times we all need constant access to the internet. No matter for official work or personal tasks or entertainment, internet facilities are a must in today’s lives. If you closely look at how you spend your days, you would find that a considerable amount of time is spent on checking the internet. Our …

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How to Properly Restart a Router & Modem?

Restart a Router & Modem

As a normal human being with not much idea about technical things, the first thing you do when your router and modem aren’t working is to switch it off and then back on. This saves you a lot of time and ensures superior network settings and connectivity without any lags or delays if that is …

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Can Ethernet Cable Go Outside?

Can Ethernet Cable Go Outside

Most of the users can get access to the internet with the help p wireless devices like laptops or phones. All these devices can be connected to the internet through Wi-Fi and other wireless signals that can be broadcasted through the house. If you are a regular internet user, you must be familiar with what …

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Do Routers Provide PoE? 

Do Routers Provide PoE? 

Oftentimes people wonder whether devices that can be powered over Ethernet can be powered directly from the router. Yes, it’s possible. We have discussed this in detail in this post.  Though, indeed, most routers aren’t advanced enough to deliver power to other devices. But there are a few models that provide Power over Ethernet.  A …

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Should You Leave Your Router ON All the Time?

Should You Leave Your Router ON All the Time?

A router is an immediate choice for people who require internet for multiple devices at the same time. Most of us don’t switch OFF the router when we go to sleep at night or when the router is left unused. In the majority of households or offices, a router remains ON throughout the day for …

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Network Switches That Don’t Require Power: Do They Exist?

Network Switches That Don’t Require Power

Are you thinking to buy a suitable network switch? Surely you have a lot of questions in your mind. What people mostly ask is whether or not the networks switch requires any power source to function. This especially becomes a cause of concern when you don’t have a power source near the place where you …

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